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PAST | July 16th- Win your place at the Lab podium for the Arlo Parks concert ?

Dear Insider,

Pour clôturer cette édition 2022 du Montreux Jazz Festival, l’équipe Insider te propose aujourd’hui de gagner 2 places sur le podium du Lab pour aller voir la chanteuse pop Indie Arlo Parks! ?

To close this 2022 edition of the Montreux Jazz Festival, the Insider team is offering you today to win 2 tickets at the Lab podium to see Indie pop singer Arlo Parks! ?

The night continues on the same stage with Canadian artist Patrick Watson followed by the tumultuous Phoebe Bridgers! ⚡️

Enter the draw and join us for this final night rich in emotion ✨

  • ⏰ Saturday 16th July from 8:00 pm
  • ? Draw : Tomorrow at 4:00 pm. Winners will be notified by email.
  • ? 3×2 tickets on the Lab podium to win
  • ? The concert continues with Patrick Watson and Phoebe Bridgers!

Arlo Parks

At just 20 years of age, Britain’s most poetic female singer was voted ‘Best New Artist’ at the 2021 Brit Awards. Combining indie pop and soul with a hint of folk and trip hop, Arlo Parks’ hushed vocals are set against the backdrop of organic, comforting music. Her debut album, Collapsed In Sunbeams, is a fascinating collection of finely crafted songs, full of pop and literary references. Through her personal experiences, the queer singer of Nigerian, Chadian and French origin expresses the quests for identity, and the challenges and hopes of a whole generation.

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