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Tropical Brasil


2L, from Brazil, has been passionate about Brazilian music since a young age. With five years of percussion training at the Conservatoire of Geneva, 2L has developed a profound understanding of rhythm and melody. Four years ago, 2L began producing music, creating a unique blend of traditional Brazilian sounds and modern beats. Now, as a student at EHL, 2L organizes and DJs at student parties, bringing vibrant and energetic music to every event.


Mark, known by his stage name MORKOS, is an Egyptian DJ with a deep-rooted passion for music. With an early start in music learning piano as a child, Mark always had a keen musical ear. Though he took a break from music, he soon realized its irreplaceable role in his life. Now, Mark channels his love for diverse cultural music into his DJ sets, creating unique and immersive experiences for his audience. Currently, he spins tracks at EHL, bringing unforgettable nights to university students with his eclectic mixes.

Friday – 19 July
Pool Party
Tickets Category
Standing & Seating

