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Book: Very Good Trip, presented by Mishka Assayas & Maud Berthomier

Journalist and writer Michka Assayas has been programming and hosting the Very Good Trip programme on France Inter since 2015, the fruit of a fascination with music that has pursued him since childhood and has never faded.
To extend the experience of this programme, which attracts up to 260,000 listeners every evening, he and author Maud Berthomier have decided to create a collection of books, published by GM in Paris. They will be at the Montreux Festival on Tuesday 9 July to present two of these books.
The first is a collection of interviews Maud Berthomier conducted with Michka Assayas based on a playlist of three hundred songs dating from 1965 to the present day. These songs have marked the different stages of his life. They have accompanied him through his funniest marvels, his wildest passions, his anxieties, his hopes and his disappointments. We’re sure that audiences will recognise themselves in these tales of a great history – both intimate and collective – of music.
Le second ouvrage est l’adaptation, sous format livre, de la série radiophonique que Michka Assayas avait consacrée en été 2022 à David Bowie toujours sur France Inter. En se plongeant dans la vie et l’œuvre de David Bowie, Michka Assayas a tout écouté d’une oreille neuve. Il a découvert la dimension « totale » de l’artiste, tous arts confondus, et le vertige provoqué par sa musique, David Bowie cherchant à se mettre perpétuellement en scène. Enfin, discuter de ce livre à Montreux sera l’occasion de revenir sur l’histoire des liens très forts qui existent entre David Bowie et cette ville pour le moins très musicale.